Listing all mining violations and penalties, including actions and behaviors that contravene the Mining Investment Law.
Delay in increasing the partial guarantee value within the specified periods in the Executive Regulations
Warning - Notice - Penalty
Delay in paying surface lease fees for Class (A) licenses
Delay in paying surface lease fees for Class (B) licenses
Delay in paying surface lease fees for Class (C) licenses
Delay in paying surface lease fees for exploration licenses
Delay in paying the financial fees due or part thereof for Class (A) licenses
Delay in paying the financial fees due or part thereof for Class (B) licenses
Delay in paying the financial fees due or part thereof for Class (C) licenses
Absence of site entrance gate
Absence of transport permits for extracted materials
Absence or incomplete fencing around the licensed boundary
Absence or incomplete license signboard at the site entrance
Continuing any expired rights under the license for more than 180 days after license expiry
Continuing exploration under an expired exploration license
Delayed submission of the annual report for exploration licenses for Class (A) minerals
Delayed submission of the annual report for exploration licenses for Class (B) minerals